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隠 : Conceal
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conceal, hide, cover
かく.す かく.し かく.れる かか.す よ.る
Strokes: | 14 |
Radical: | 阜 (170) |
Usage Rating: | 1089 |
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隠 Usage examples
葉隠れ | hiding in the leaves |
雪隠 | toilet, lavatory |
塗り隠す | to cover with paint, to hide with paint or make-up |
逃げ隠れる | to run away and hide |
隠逸 | seclusion |
覆い隠す | to mask, to cover |
押し隠す 押隠す | to cover up, to conceal |
隠し財源 | secret resources |
隠し持つ | to carry (something) under cover |
隠れ伏す | to lie concealed |
隠れ道 | hidden path |
惻隠の情 | compassion, pity |
野に隠れる | to retire from public service |
隠遁者 | recluse |
隠し所 | genitals |
隠花植物類 | cryptogamous plants |
隠れ蟹 隠蟹 | pea crab (any crab of the family Pinnotheridae) |
隠頭花序 | hypanthium |
羽隠 隠翅虫 羽隠虫 羽隠し | rove beetle |
隠る | to hide, to be hidden, to conceal oneself, to disappear |
隠遁術 | Ninja art of escape |
隠れ身の術 | Ninja art of camouflage |
隠忍自重 | (behaving with) patience and prudence, putting up with something |
隠居仕事 | post-retirement job, work done by a retired person where earning an income is not a primary concern |
隠遁生活 | a reclusive life, living secluded from the world, leading a sequestered life |
隠蔽工作 | (create) a cover-up |
隠密行動 | covert action (behavior), espionage activities |
雪隠大工 | lousy carpenter |
金隠し | mantle or hood on a urinal, squat-toilet, etc. |
隠し | pocket, concealing, being hidden, being concealed |
隠しマイク | concealed microphone, bug |
目隠し葺き | tiles used to cover nail holes in cypress bark roofing for the purpose of waterproofing |
何を隠そう | to be frank with you, to tell you the truth |
隠し部屋 | hidden room, secret chamber |
隠された意図 | hidden agenda |
隠し包丁 | (light) scoring (in cooking) |