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彩 : Coloring
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coloring, paint, makeup
あや さ さえ つや
Strokes: | 11 |
Radical: | 彡 (59) |
Usage Rating: | 1251 |
Unicode: | 05f69 |
jis208: | 26-44 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
彩 Usage examples
淡彩画 | wash drawing |
光彩陸離 | dazzling, brilliant |
彩画 | colored picture, coloured picture, painting |
迷彩服 | camouflaged clothes |
水彩絵具 | watercolors, watercolours, watercolor paint, watercolour paint |
無彩色 | neutral colour, neutral color, achromatic (colour, color) |
彩なす | to manipulate skillfully, to create a beautiful variegated pattern |
お晩彩 | light Kyoto-style home cooking with boiled vegetables and marinated food, also now served in restaurants |