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祭 : Ritual
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ritual, offer prayers, celebrate, deify, enshrine, worship
まつ.る まつ.り まつり
Strokes: | 11 |
Radical: | 礻 (113) |
Usage Rating: | 1124 |
Unicode: | 0796d |
jis208: | 26-55 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
祭 Usage examples
祭り上げる 祭上げる | to set up (in high position), to kick upstairs |
祭り込む | to place an obnoxious person in an out-of-the-way post to be rid of him or her |
祈年祭 | prayer service for a good crop |
団菊祭 | kabuki performance in commemoration of Danjuro and Kikugoro |
港祭り | port festival |
桜祭り 桜祭 | cherry blossom festival |
映画祭 | film festival |
五月祭 | May Day, May Festival |
体育祭 | athletic festival |
過越の祭 過越祭 過ぎ越しの祭 過越しの祭 | Passover |
新嘗祭 | ceremonial offering by the Emperor of newly-harvested rice to the deities |
大嘗祭 | first ceremonial offering of rice by newly-enthroned Emperor |
土俵祭り | ceremony to purify the ring before the start of a tournament |
祭政分離 | separation of church and state, separation of religious ritual and government administration |
祭官 | official who arranges festival and rites |
後夜祭 | an event held on the night after the last day of some festival (school festival) often bonfire & dancing |
青森ねぶた祭 | Nebuta Festival (Aomori) |
ねぶた祭り | nighttime festival in Aomori |
夏至祭 | Midsummer, midsummer festivities, midsummer feast |
降誕祭 | celebration of the birthday of a saint or great man, Nativity |
キリスト降誕祭 | Christmas |
奇祭 | strange festival, festival with bizarre or unusual ritual |