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細 : Dainty
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dainty, get thin, taper, slender, narrow, detailed, precise
ほそ.い ほそ.る こま.か こま.かい
Strokes: | 11 |
Radical: | 糸 (120) |
Usage Rating: | 537 |
Unicode: | 07d30 |
jis208: | 26-57 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
細 Usage examples
生殖細胞 | germ cell, reproductive cell |
嵌め木細工 | inlaid woodwork |
埋め木細工 | mosaic woodwork |
麦藁細工 | straw work |
好気性細菌 | aerobic bacteria |
角細工 | horn carving |
癌細胞 | cancer cell |
やせ細る 痩せ細る | to lose weight, to become thin, to wither away |
金銭に細かい | skimpy about money |
細かい金 | small change |
細かい指示 | detailed instructions |
細かく | minutely, finely |
細細した 細々した | sundry, various, assorted |
細動脈 | arteriole |
神経が細かい | having delicate feeling, being sensitive |
神経が細い | oversensitive |
微に入り細を穿つ 微に入り細をうがつ | to go into the minutest details |
細い糸 | fine thread |
細い字 | slender character |
細作りの人 | slender person |
身が細る | to lose weight, to become thin |
目の細かい | fine (mesh, fabric texture) |
細粒分 | fine particle fraction |
細かいお金 | small change |
細胞壁 | cell wall |
紙細工 | articles made out of paper (by hand), paperware |
明細表 | itemized account, itemised account |
ガラス細工 硝子細工 | glasswork |
花粉母細胞 | pollen mother cell |
感覚細胞 | sensory cell |
真核細胞 | eukaryotic cell |
原核細胞 | prokaryotic cell |
除細動器 除細動機 | defibrillator |
免疫細胞 | immune cell |
細切り | something chopped up finely, slicing up finely |
幹細胞 | stem cell |
細工師 | craftsman, artisan |
素人細工 | amateurish work |
胚性幹細胞 | embryonic stem cell, ES |
細縄 | cord |
か細い | delicate, fragile, feeble |
細め 細目 | thinnish, somewhat narrow |
細石 細れ石 | boulder formed from gravel and sediment, gravel |
細胞崩壊 | cytolysis, breakdown of cells by the destruction of their outer membrane |
脚細 | Japanese stilt grass (Microstegium vimineum) |
古細菌 | archaea, archaebacteria |
真正細菌 | bacteria, eubacteria |
心室細動 | ventricular fibrillation |
細動 | fibrillation |
細大漏らさず | in minute detail |
子細に及ばず | there is no problem, there is no need to go into details |