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裁 : Tailor
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tailor, judge, decision, cut out (pattern)
た.つ さば.く
Strokes: | 12 |
Radical: | 衤 (145) |
Usage Rating: | 297 |
Unicode: | 088c1 |
jis208: | 26-59 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
裁 Usage examples
欠席裁判 | trial in absentia, judgment by default (judgement) |
立体裁断 | draping |
粋な裁き | delicate judgment, delicate judgement |
裁ち出す | to cut out (a dress) from cloth |
一党独裁 | one-party rule |
自由裁量権 | discretionary power |
独裁国家 | dictatorship, despotism |
プロレタリア独裁 | proletarian dictatorship |
裁断機 | cutting machine (cloth), cutter |
軍事制裁 | military sanction |
軍事独裁政権 | military dictatorship |
軍人予備裁判所 | court of inquiry, court of enquiry |
憲法裁判所 | constitutional court |
国際司法裁判所 | International Court of Justice, ICJ |
裁判所命令 | court injunction, court order |
裁量所得 | discretionary income |
巡回裁判所 | circuit court |
独裁支配 | autocratic rule |
独裁主義者 | authoritarian |
独裁政権 | dictatorship |
裁量労働 | discretionary work (labour, labor) |
裁量労働制 | flexible work hours, flexi-time |
自由裁量 | latitude, discretionary powers, a free hand |
副総裁 | vice president |
裁判員 | lay judge (2005 reforms), citizen judge, juror |
総裁選 | presidential election |
裁判官弾劾裁判所 | Judge Impeachment Court |
裁判官訴追委員会 | Judge Indictment Committee |
東京高裁 | Tokyo High Court |
大阪高裁 | Osaka High Court |
国際裁判管轄 | international jurisdiction |
連邦政府裁判所 | federal court (US) |
陪審裁判 | trial by jury, jury trial |
民事裁判所 | civil court |