水際立つ 水際だつ | to be splendid, to be superb |
食事の際に | when eating |
国際協定 | international agreement, accord |
国際情勢 | international situation |
国際条約 | international treaty |
国際親善 | international goodwill |
国際政治 | international politics, world politics |
国際線 | international air route |
国際都市 | cosmopolitan city |
国際紛争 | international dispute |
実際性 | practicality |
実際問題 | practical question (problem), practical matter |
プロレタリア国際主義 | proletarian internationalism |
国際カルテル | international cartel |
国際ローミング | global roaming (mobile telephone), international roaming |
国際海事機関 | International Maritime Organization (Organisation), IMO |
国際競争 | global competition |
国際競争力 | international competitiveness |
国際金融市場 | international financial market |
国際決済銀行 | Bank for International Settlements, BIS |
国際原子力機関 | International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA |
国際司法裁判所 | International Court of Justice, ICJ |
国際組織 | international organization, international organisation |
国際逮捕状 | international arrest warrant |
国際電信電話諮問委員会 | International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee, CCITT |
国際犯罪 | international crime |
国際平和活動 | international peace activity |
国際捕鯨委員会 | International Whaling Commission, IWC |
国際放射線防護委員会 | International Commission on Radiological Protection, ICRP |
国際連盟 | League of Nations |
際限なく | ad infinitum, endlessly |
際限なく続く | to continue without end, to go on to eternity |
自治体国際化協会 | Council of Local Authorities for International Relations, CLAIR |
尽未来際 | to the end of time, to the crack of doom, for ever and ever |
交際上手 | good at socializing, sociability, being a good mixer |
交際場裡 交際場裏 | social circles, arena of (fashionable) society |
交際下手 | bad at socializing, bad in social situation, being a bad mixer |
国際感覚 | cosmopolitan (international) way of thinking, feeling for the wider world |
国際場裡 | the international arena |
国際力学 | dynamics of international (foreign) relations |
国際緊急援助隊 | international disaster relief team, international emergency aid unit |
往生際が悪い | not knowing when to give up |
国際平和協力 | international peace cooperation |
国際秩序 | international order |
国際協調主義 | principle (or ideology) of international cooperation |
国際テロ | international terrorism |
国際裁判管轄 | international jurisdiction |
国際政治学 | international politics (as a field of study) |
国際機構 | international organization |
に際して | on the occasion of, at the time of |
瀬戸際政策 | brinkmanship |
瀬戸際外交 | brinkmanship diplomacy |
今際の際 今わの際 | verge of death, dying moments |