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罪 : Guilt
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guilt, sin, crime, fault, blame, offense
Strokes: | 13 |
Radical: | 网 (122) |
Usage Rating: | 732 |
Unicode: | 07f6a |
jis208: | 26-65 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
罪 Usage examples
性犯罪 | sex crime |
軽罪 | minor offense, minor offence, misdemeanor, misdemeanour |
流罪 | banishment, exile |
騒乱罪 | crime of rioting |
騒擾罪 | (the crime of) rioting |
罪する | to charge, to sentence, to punish |
重い罪 | serious crime, grave crime |
軽い犯罪 | minor offense, minor offence |
絞罪 | execution by hanging, hanging |
罪人を流す | to exile a criminal |
堕罪 | sinking into sin |
罪に陥る | to slide into sin |
罪の無い 罪のない | guiltless, innocent |
罪を犯す | to commit a crime, to commit a sin |
罪を着せる | to pin a crime on |
罪を着る | to be accused of |
完全犯罪 | perfect crime |
強姦罪 | (crime of) rape, sexual assault |
軽犯罪法 | Minor Offenses Act |
有罪判決 | guilty verdict, judgment of guilty (judgement) |
コンピューター犯罪 | computer crime |
スパイ罪 | crime of espionage |
遺棄罪 | abandonment |
横領罪 | fraudulent appropriation |
サイバー犯罪 | cybercrime |
斡旋利得罪処罰法 | antigraft law |
街頭犯罪 | street crime |
企業犯罪 | corporate crime |
金融犯罪 | financial crime |
計画犯罪 | planned crime |
国際犯罪 | international crime |
重大犯罪 | serious crime, felony |
人道犯罪 | crime against humanity |
性犯罪者 | sex offender |
青少年犯罪 | youth crime |
組織犯罪 | organized crime, organised crime |
犯罪記録 | criminal record |
犯罪被害者 | victim of crime |
犯罪率 | crime rate |
無罪放免 | acquittal |
有罪答弁 | guilty plea |
路上犯罪 | street crime |
罪状糾明 | closely examining (questioning) the concrete circumstances of a crime |
罪状明白 | being proven guilty of a crime, (the) nature of offense being (becoming) clear |
贖罪意識 | sense of atonement |
風俗犯罪 | offense against public morals, morals offense, vice crime |
憎悪犯罪 | hate crime |
犯罪歴 | criminal record |
重犯罪 | felony, serious crime |
犯罪捜査 | criminal investigation |
危険運転致死罪 | vehicular manslaughter |