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亜 : Asia
Asia, rank next, come after, -ous
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Strokes: | 7 |
Radical: | 二 (7) |
Usage Rating: | 1509 |
Unicode: | 04e9c |
jis208: | 16-01 |
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亜 Usage examples
白亜館 | The White House |
亜炭化物 | subcarbide |
次亜硫酸 | hyposulphurous acid, hyposulfurous acid |
亜鉛華軟膏 | zinc oxide ointment |
亜鉛中毒 | zinc poisoning |
亜鉛鉄板 | galvanized sheet iron, galvanised sheet iron |
亜鉛鉄 | galvanized iron, galvanised iron |
亜音速 | subsonic speed |
亜寒帯気候 | subarctic climate |
亜急性 | subacute, subacute illness |
亜酸化窒素 | nitrous oxide (N2O) |
亜大陸 | subcontinent |
亜脱臼 | subluxation |
亜熱帯気候 | subtropical climate |
亜熱帯高気圧 | subtropical anticyclone |
亜熱帯植物 | subtropical plants |
亜熱帯林 | subtropical forest |
亜硫酸ガス | sulphurous acid gas, sulfurous acid gas, sulphur dioxide gas, sulfur dioxide gas |
亜弗利加 | Africa |
亜鉛合金 | zinc alloy |
亜高山帯 | subalpine zone |
亜硝酸アミル | amyl nitrite |
亜硝酸アンモニウム | ammonium nitrite |
亜硝酸カリウム | potassium nitrite |
亜硝酸ナトリウム | sodium nitrite |
亜硝酸菌 | nitrite bacteria |
亜熱帯ジェット気流 | subtropical jet stream |
亜熱帯多雨林 | subtropical rain forest |
亜目 | suborder |
亜門 | subphylum, subdivision |
亜硫酸パルプ | sulfite pulp |
亜硫酸水素ナトリウム | sodium hydrogen sulfite |
亜砒酸塩 | arsenite |
塩化亜鉛 | zinc chloride |
亜富汗斯坦 | Afghanistan |
暮利比亜 | Bolivia |
幾内亜 | Guinea |
脱亜入欧 | leave Asia, enter Europe (said by Fukuzawa Yukichi) |
鉄亜鈴 | (iron) dumbbells, (pair) of dumbbells |
亜米利加山法師 | flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) |
大東亜戦争 | The Greater East Asian War, The Pacific War (1941-1945) |
インド亜大陸 | Indian subcontinent |
欧亜大陸 | Eurasia, Eurasian Continent |