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二 : Two (radical 7)
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two (radical 7)
ふた ふた.つ ふたたび
おと つぐ つぎ にい は ふ ふたつ ふだ わ
Strokes: | 2 |
Radical: | 二 (7) |
Usage Rating: | 9 |
Unicode: | 04e8c |
jis208: | 38-83 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
二 Usage examples
総二階 | full two-story house |
下二桁 | last two figures of a number |
正副二通 | original and duplicate |
太刀二腰 | two swords |
中二 | second-year of junior high |
二君に仕えず | to not serve two masters |
二成文系 | binary system |
仏像二座 | two images of Buddha |
仏像二体 | two images of Buddha |
宮様お二所 | two Imperial princes |
二翻役 | winning hand which redoubles the score |
二年生 | biennial |
二極化 | bipolarization, bipolarisation |
二酸化窒素 | nitrogen dioxide |
二重丸 | double circle |
二分法 | dichotomy |
序二段 | jonidan (second lowest) division |
二元 | duality, binary (system) |
二枚 | two sheets (pieces) (of paper) |
二の腕 | upper arm |
一酸化二窒素 | dinitrogen oxide |
二女 | second daughter |
第二部 | second division, secondary division |
二本立て映画 | double feature (movie) |
週二日 | two days a week |
二次体 | quadratic field |
二次関数 | quadratic function |
全二重通信 | full duplex transmission, full duplex communication |
二国間主義 | bilateralism |
二国間相互主義 | bilateralism |
二酸化炭素削減義務 | carbon dioxide reducing obligation |
二酸化炭素削減目標 | CO2-reduction goal |
二酸化炭素排出権 | right to emit carbon dioxide |
二分脊椎 | spina bifida |
半二重通信 | half-duplex transmission, half-duplex communications |
二分の一 | a half |
二分休符 | half rest, minim rest |
二本 | two (long cylindrical things) |
二重基準 | double standards, dual criteria |
二日間 | a period of two days |
一言二言言う | to say a few words |
二次コン | two-dimensional complex, people more interested in two-dimensional (i.e. anime or manga) girls than real people |
水入り二番後撮り直し | rematch due to overlong (over 10 min) bout |
序二段格 | referee officiating the second lowest division |
二段目 | former name for makushita division |
二番出世 | newly recruited wrestlers in the second round of presentation after mae-zumo |
二組 | two classes, double, two sets |
二人宛 二人づつ 二人ずつ | couple |
二間 | two rooms |
二大強国 | (the) two great powers |
二束 | two bunches, two bundles |
九尺二間 | (tiny) house about nine feet wide and 12 feet deep |
善悪不二 | Good and evil are but two faces of the same coin |
二重三重 | twofold and threefold, doubled and redoubled |
二十四気 | the 24 seasonal divisions of a year in the old lunar calendar |