生菓子 | fresh Western sweets (usu. containing cream or fruit, e.g. sponge cake, pie) |
経帷子 | white kimono in which dead person is dressed |
織り子 | weaver |
構成分子 | components |
構造遺伝子 | structural gene |
狸囃子 | tanuki drumming on their stomachs |
流行っ子 | popular person |
いい子 好い子 | good boy, good girl |
腰高障子 | tall-paneled sliding door |
紅猿子 | long-tailed rosefinch (Uragus sibiricus) |
立太子 | investiture of the Crown Prince |
立太子式 | investiture of the Crown Prince |
癌遺伝子 | oncogene |
白子 | fry of the Japanese anchovy, eel, etc., whitebait |
白子鳩 | Eurasian collared dove (Streptopelia decaocto), collared dove |
白拍子 素拍子 | tempo in gagaku |
雪見障子 | shoji with glass window behind a sliding bottom half |
芸子 藝子 | someone accomplished in the arts |
風の子 | outdoor creatures |
呼び子 呼子 | whistle |
烏帽子名 | adult name |
烏帽子貝 | goose barnacle |
猫の子一匹居ない | completely deserted |
とらの子 虎の子 | treasure (as it is said that tigers treasure their young) |
獅子吼 | harangue |
獅子身中の虫 | treacherous friend |
獅子唐辛子 | small sweet green pepper |
獅子鼻 | pug nose |
獅子頭 | Japanese deer fern (Blechnum nipponicum) |
調子付く 調子づく | to warm up to, to become enthusiastic about, to be elated |
獅子宮 | Leo (5th zodiacal sign), the Lion |
上の子 | the older child |
売れっ子歌手 | popular singer |
菓子折り 菓子折 | box of cakes |
菓子鉢 | bowl for confectioneries |
菓子盆 | cake tray (dish) |
鹿の子 | fawn, dapples |
巻子本 | roll, scroll, rolled book |
季子 | last child |
切れの帽子 | cloth hat |
原子物理学の父 | father of atomic physics |
神戸っ子 | native of Kobe |
子供連れ | accompanied by children |
子供を妊む | to conceive, to become pregnant |
子豚 | piglet |
子を宿す | to be pregnant, to be with child |