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指 : Finger
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finger, point to, indicate, put into, play (chess), measure (ruler)
ゆび さ.す -さ.し
い いぶ さし さす
Strokes: | 9 |
Radical: | 扌 (64) |
Usage Rating: | 155 |
Unicode: | 06307 |
jis208: | 27-56 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
指 Usage examples
生計費指数 | cost of living index |
紅差し指 | ring finger |
座席指定券 | reserved-seat ticket |
指呼の間 | hailing distance |
環指 | ring finger |
金の指輪 | gold ring |
細かい指示 | detailed instructions |
指掌紋 | hand print |
将棋指し | shogi player |
指了図 | end game position |
掌を指す | to be obvious, to be obviously correct |
早指しチェス | speed chess, blitz chess |
方向を指す | to point to a direction |
指を詰める | to cut off a finger (as an act of apology) |
塑性指数 | plasticity index |
統語指標 | syntactic index |
サンケア指数 | sun protection index |
行政指導 | administrative guidance |
指揮権 | (exercising) the right to command |
指使い 指遣い | fingering (of a musical instrument) |
指導員 | instructor, advisor, adviser |
指導力 | (lack) leadership qualities |
指名打者 | designated hitter, DH |
指名通話 | person-to-person call, personal call |
常任指揮者 | regular (permanent) conductor |
生活指導 | civic guidance, non-curricular educational guidance, medical guidance |
早指し | quick game of shogi |
ラスパイレス指数 | Laspeyres index |
パリティ指数 | parity index |
荷渡指図書 | delivery order |
株価指数 | stock price index |
株式指標 | stock price index |
訴訟指揮 | trial management (e.g. by the court) |
一致指数 | coincident indicator |
韓国総合株価指数 | Korea Composite Stock Price Index, KOSPI |
極右指導者 | far-right leader |
景気動向指数 | diffusion index, DI |
経済指数 | economic index |
経済指標 | economic indicator |
鉱工業生産指数 | industrial production index, IPI |
指名手配者リスト | wanted list |
指名受諾演説 | acceptance speech |
消費者物価指数 | consumer price index, CPI |
政治的指導者 | political leader |
生産者物価指数 | producer price index, PPI |
先行指数 | leading indicator |
大気質指標 | air quality index, AQI |
東証株価指数 | Tokyo Stock Price Index, TOPIX |
野党指導者 | opposition leader |
指導の下に | under the guidance of, under the leadership of |
指示子 | indicator, specifier, designator |
業況判断指数 | diffusion index, DI, business sentiment index |
指定詞 | copula |
成人指定 | rated for "adults only" |
兵法指南 | instruction in martial arts |