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支 : Branch
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branch, support, sustain, branch radical (no. 65)
ささ.える つか.える か.う
Strokes: | 4 |
Radical: | 支 (65) |
Usage Rating: | 159 |
Unicode: | 0652f |
jis208: | 27-57 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
支 Usage examples
貿易外収支 | invisible trade balance |
旅支度 | preparations for a journey |
支索 | stay |
支払い済み | settled, paid |
支払いを拒む | to decline to pay, to refuse payment |
支持力 | bearing capacity |
支持杭 | bearing pile |
支持力係数 | bearing capacity factor |
支持力理論 | bearing capacity theory |
支持力定式 | bearing capacity formula |
先端支持力 | end bearing capacity |
支う | to support or prop up |
直接支配 | immediate dominance, ID |
支給額 | allowance |
支度部屋 | dressing room |
移転収支 | balance of transfer account |
支払い手続き 支払手続き | payment arrangements or procedures |
給料支払小切手 | paycheck |
軍事支配 | military rule |
後方支援 | logistical support |
再就職支援 | outplacement |
財政支出 | government spending |
支持団体 | support group |
支払い能力 支払能力 | solvency, ability to pay |
支払不能 | insolvency |
資本支出 | capital outlay |
収支報告 | earnings call |
消費者支出 | consumer spending |
植民地支配 | colonial rule |
税支払い免除 | tax relief |
電子支払い | electronic payment |
独裁支配 | autocratic rule |
内閣支持率 | cabinet support rate |
不支持率 | disapproval rating |
兵站支援 | logistical support |
利子支払い | interest payment |
支那竹 | bamboo shoots boiled, sliced, fermented, dried or preserved in salt, then soaked in hot water and sea salt |
総支部 | election campaign office |
支持層 | base support (e.g. for a party in an election), substrate, load bearing layer, supporting layer |
不支持 | non-support, disapproval (e.g. in an opinion poll) |
支持療法 | supportive care, supportive therapy |
支院 | sub-temple |
支那料理 | Chinese food |
支那そば 支那蕎麦 | Chinese soba, ramen |
支那事変 | Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945) |
支那人 | Chinese person |
支配下 | under control (e.g. of territory) |
支援策 | support measures, assistance measures |
支出金 | disbursement, payout |
慢性気管支炎 | chronic bronchitis |
テロ支援国家 | state sponsor of terrorism, state that sponsors or supports terrorism |
支払い準備率 支払準備率 | reserve ratio, reserve rate |
収支決算 | settling a balance |