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持 : Hold
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hold, have
も.つ -も.ち も.てる
Strokes: | 9 |
Radical: | 扌 (64) |
Usage Rating: | 119 |
Unicode: | 06301 |
jis208: | 27-93 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
持 Usage examples
持って回る | to be roundabout (speech, actions, etc.), to be indirect |
宝の持ち腐れ | pearls thrown before swine, unused possession, useless possession, waste of talent |
併せ持つ 合わせ持つ 合せ持つ | to own (something) as well, to have two things (at the same time) (e.g. good and bad points) |
意見を持つ | to hold an opinion |
男持ちの時計 | gentlemens watches |
隠し持つ | to carry (something) under cover |
身持ちの堅い女 | chaste woman, virtuous woman |
暗い気持ちになる 暗い気持になる | to feel gloomy, to feel blue, to feel melancholy |
脛に疵持つ 脛に傷持つ | to have a guilty conscience |
花を持たせる 華を持たせる | to let someone have the credit for (a success), to let someone else carry the flowers |
費用を持つ | to bear the expenses |
身を持ち崩す | to ruin oneself |
支持力 | bearing capacity |
支持杭 | bearing pile |
支持力係数 | bearing capacity factor |
支持力理論 | bearing capacity theory |
支持力定式 | bearing capacity formula |
先端支持力 | end bearing capacity |
構造保持 | structure preserving |
現状維持 | maintenance of the status quo |
生命維持装置 | life-support system |
持ち点 | points (already) allotted to one, points (already) gained (in earlier rounds) |
持ち方 | how to hold (chopsticks) |
株式持合 | cross shareholdings |
持て持て | sexy, popular, well-liked |
気持ち悪い | bad feeling, feeling bad, disagreeable, unpleasant, revolting, gross, disgusting |
株の持ち合い | crossholding |
株価維持操作 | price-keeping operation, PKO |
共同持ち株会社 | joint holding company |
国連平和維持軍 | UN peacekeeping forces |
支持団体 | support group |
世界記録保持者 | world record holder |
内閣支持率 | cabinet support rate |
不支持率 | disapproval rating |
平和維持部隊 | peacekeeping force |
薬物不法所持 | drug possession |
持分法適用会社 | affiliated company accounted for by the equity-method |
持する | to hold, to maintain |
大金持ち 大金持 | very rich person |
癲癇持ち | (an) epileptic |
部屋持ちの親方 | coach who owns his own stable |
あてがい扶持 宛てがい扶持 宛行扶持 | discretionary allowance |
堅忍持久 | dogged perseverance, untiring patience |
子持ち甘藍 | Brussels sprouts |