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jis208: | 28-01 |
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次 Usage examples
事と次第で | if things permit, under certain circumstances |
次亜硫酸 | hyposulphurous acid, hyposulfurous acid |
次酸化炭素 | carbon suboxide |
次年度 | next (fiscal) year |
次類 | subgenus |
造次 | very short time, moment |
次の一手 | next move |
次の課 | next lesson |
次の回 | next inning, next time |
次の号 | next number (issue) |
次の便 | next flight, next post |
逓次 | successively, in order |
班次 | ranking, precedence |
便の有り次第 | on the first opportunity |
旅次 | hotel, inn |
共通一次試験 | common first-stage (university entrance) examination |
年次総会 | annual general meeting, AGM |
弥次郎兵衛 | balancing toy |
第一次 | the first ..., primary |
第三次 | the third ..., tertiary |
一次エネルギー | primary energy |
一次コイル 1次コイル | primary coil, primary winding (in transformer) |
一次式 | linear expression |
一次消費者 | primary consumer |
一次遷移 | primary succession |
一次電池 | primary cell, primary battery |
一次冷却水 | primary cooling water |
二次体 | quadratic field |
二次関数 | quadratic function |
次期大統領 | next president, president-elect |
次世代携帯電話 | next-generation mobile phone |
次ぐ身 | next in line, heir |
次から次へと | in succession, one after another |
二次コン | two-dimensional complex, people more interested in two-dimensional (i.e. anime or manga) girls than real people |
面目次第 | face, honor, reputation |
気分次第 | according to (depending on) the mood of the moment |
実力次第 | if one is good (competent, talented) enough |
天気次第 | being dependent on what the weather is like |
到着次第 | upon arrival of an item (items), as soon as one arrives |
必要次第 | as necessary (needed), if necessary (needed) |
本人次第 | being up to the the person himself |
模様次第 | according to circumstances, dependent on the state of things |
様子次第 | according to circumstances, depending on the state of things, according to how the situation develops |
呈示次第 | at (upon) presentation, when presented |
返答次第 | depending on the answer, hinging on the reply |
二次粒子 | secondary particle |
一次宇宙線 | primary cosmic rays |
次第次第に | gradually |
二次電池 | rechargeable battery |
第一次上海事変 | Shanghai Incident, January 28 Incident (1932) |
第二次上海事変 | Battle of Shanghai (1937) |
二次配布 | redistribution |
この次から | from now on |
次の内閣 | shadow cabinet, opposition party executive |
一次試験 | first stage examination |
次数解析 | order analysis |