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欠 : Lack
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lack, gap, fail, yawning radical (no. 76)
Strokes: | 4 |
Radical: | 欠 (76) |
Usage Rating: | 860 |
Unicode: | 06b20 |
jis208: | 23-71 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
欠 Usage examples
欠本 | missing volume |
欠号 | missing issue (of magazine) |
欠け目 | chip (in a cup), shortage of weight |
欠便 | flight cancellation |
欠食 | missing a meal |
欠食児童 | schoolchild without lunch |
欠席者 | absentee |
欠席裁判 | trial in absentia, judgment by default (judgement) |
欠格 | abessive, disqualification |
欠配 | suspension of rations or payments |
欠陥車 | defective car, car with a (structural) defect |
欠陥商品 | defective merchandise |
欠勤者 | absentee |
欠勤率 | absentee rate |
欠講 | cancellation of lecture or class |
欠陥を補う | to make up for a fault |
欠を補う | to bridge a gap, to supply a lack |
常識に欠ける | to lack in common sense |
欠品 | stockout, out of stock |
欠乏症 | deficiency disease (e.g. protein, vitamin, etc.) |
欠 | lack, deficiency, vacancy |
格子欠陥 | lattice defect |
困苦欠乏 | hardships and privations |
大欠伸 | big yawn |
金甌無欠 | (a nation) having never been invaded by outside forces, perfect |
永久欠番 | retired (uniform) number |
欠陥品 | defective merchandise |
質欠陥の責任 | quality and defects liability |
注意力欠如障害 | attention-deficit disorder, ADD |
櫛の歯が欠けたよう | missing important things here and there, full of gaps, as if the teeth of a comb were missing |
欠き餅 欠餅 | mochi cut thin, dried, and baked or fried |
お欠き 御欠き 御欠 | mochi cut thin, dried, and baked or fried |
一欠片 一欠けら ひと欠けら ひと欠片 | fragment, piece |
公欠届 公欠届け | absence permission slip |
公認欠席 | authorized absence, permission of absence from class(es) |
公欠 | authorized absence, permission of absence from class(es) |
公認欠席届 公認欠席届け | absence permission slip, authorized absence form |