貿易自由化 | trade liberalization, trade liberalisation |
御自身 ご自身 | himself, yourself, herself |
自然増 | natural increase |
自然の勢い | natural tendency, natural course of events, force of circumstances |
自然の懐 | bosom of Nature |
自然律 | natural law |
焼身自殺 | self-immolation, burning oneself to death, suicide by fire |
自活の道 | independent living |
自工 | automobile industry |
自公民 | Liberal Democratic Party, Komeito and Democratic Socialist Party |
自殺を図る | to attempt suicide |
自動扉 | automatic door |
自賠法 | Automobile Accident Compensation Act |
自分で決める | to decide by oneself |
自分のために 自分の為に | for oneself |
自由の女神像 | Statue of Liberty |
性の自由 | sexual freedom |
悠々自適の生活 悠悠自適の生活 | life free from worldly cares |
全自動 | totally automatic |
自然な性 | natural gender |
自然類 | natural class |
自社製品 | in-house manufactured goods |
学生自治会 | student body, student council |
自衛手段 | measures to defend oneself (for self-defense) (defence) |
自給率 | (the degree of) self-sufficiency (e.g. in oil) |
自己主張 | self-assertion |
自己弁護 | self-justification, excuse |
自己本位 | self-centeredness, self-centredness, selfishness, egotism, egoism |
自己満足 | self-satisfaction, (self-)complacency, smugness |
自己矛盾 | self-contradiction, paradox, antinomy |
自習室 | (private) study room |
自信家 | person who has great confidence (faith) in himself |
自然環境 | natural (physical) environment |
自然治癒 | self-healing, spontaneous recovery |
自然哲学 | natural philosophy |
自然破壊 | destruction of nature |
自転車旅行 | bicycle trip, cycling tour |
自転周期 | rotation period |
自動改札機 | automatic turnstile (ticket gate) |
自動車学校 | driving school |
自動車事故 | motor(ing) (an auto) accident, car crash (smash) |
自動人形 | automaton, automata |
自動翻訳機 | automatic translation machine |
自由裁量権 | discretionary power |
自由市場 | free market |
自由時間 | free time, time at leisure |
自由主義経済 | free economy |
輸入自由化 | liberalization of imports, liberalisation of imports |
海洋自由 | freedom of the sea |
自動発効 | self-executing (computer file) |
自動実行 | self-executing (computer file) |
自動解凍 | self-extracting (computer file) |
自動抽出 | self-extracting (computer file) |
軽自動車税 | light vehicle tax |