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斜 : Diagonal
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diagonal, slanting, oblique
Strokes: | 11 |
Radical: | 斗 (68) |
Usage Rating: | 1504 |
Unicode: | 0659c |
jis208: | 28-48 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
斜 Usage examples
ピサの斜塔 | Leaning Tower of Pisa |
斜に構える | to stand ready (to do), to adopt a formal attitude |
ご機嫌斜め 御機嫌斜め | in a bad temper, cranky, crabby |
斜投影 | oblique projection |
斜め応力 | oblique stress |
斜め入射 | oblique incidence |
斜格性 | obliqueness |
斜格性の階層 | obliqueness hierarchy |
斜格性統御 | obliqueness command |
急斜面 | steep slope |
斜 | diagonal |
斜体 | italic (font style) |
斜陽産業 | sunset industry, declining industry |