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授 : Impart
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impart, instruct, grant, confer
さず.ける さず.かる
Strokes: | 11 |
Radical: | 扌 (64) |
Usage Rating: | 535 |
Unicode: | 06388 |
jis208: | 28-88 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
授 Usage examples
学位を授ける | to award a degree |
教授陣 | faculty, professorate, group of professors |
授業中 | while in class |
術を授ける | to teach tricks to |
正教授 | full professor |
課外授業 | extracurricular lesson |
主任教授 | chairperson (head) (of the department of psychology) |
授業時間 | school hours, hours of teaching (instruction) |
授与式 | awarding ceremony |
大学教授 | university (college) professor |
授業計画 | syllabus |
未授精卵 | unfertilized egg |
非配偶者間人工授精 AID人工授精 | artificial insemination by donor |
配偶者間人工授精 AIH人工授精 | artificial insemination by sperm from husband |
選択授業 | elective class |