六十四卦 | the 64 hexagrams (of the Book of Changes) |
片十字締め | cross choke |
米十粒 | ten grains of rice |
赤十字附 | school attached to the Japan Red Cross Society |
団十郎丈 | Danjuro (kabuki actor) |
三十 | thirty |
十姉妹 | Bengalese finch, society finch (Lonchura striata var. domestica) |
十年 | ten years, decade |
八十八夜 | eighty-eighth day from the beginning of spring |
四十路 | age forty |
やる気十分 遣る気十分 | sufficiently motivated (to do something) |
十枚目 | second highest division |
十両筆頭 | two highest ranked wrestlers in juryo division |
十両格 | referee officiating the second highest division |
新十両 | wrestler newly promoted to juryo division |
再十両 | wrestler re-promoted to juryo division |
幕内十年 | 10 year career in the highest division is enough for anyone |
五風十雨 | seasonable rains and winds, halcyon weather, halcyon times of peace |
貫禄十分 | having great (impressive, commanding) presence, having an air of importance, having enough gravity for (a position) |
五十知命 | At age fifty, one comes to know the will of Heaven. (Confucius) |
四十不惑 | At forty, one has no doubts. (Confucius) |
七十古希 | Men seldom live to be seventy (Du Fu (c.712-c.770)), Few people live to be seventy |
九十九髪 | old woman with white hair |
二十四気 | the 24 seasonal divisions of a year in the old lunar calendar |
八十代 | the eighties (age, years, etc.) |
十刹 | ten important Rinzai temples, second in significance to the Kyoto Gozan |
十七条憲法 | The Seventeen-Article Constitution |
明治十四年の政変 | the failed Meiji-14 coup of 1881 |
二十一箇条要求 | The Twenty-One Demands |
一暴十寒 | strenuous efforts, unless sustained, are to no avail (Mencius) |
遺恨十年 | harbouring a grudge for many years |
一目十行 | outstanding reading ability, one glance, ten lines |
十死一生 | there being barely a chance of escaping death |
三十六計逃げるに如かず 三十六計逃げるにしかず | the smartest thing in a tight situation is to beat a retreat |
十字を切る | to make the sign of the cross, to bless oneself, to cross oneself |
五十日 | days of the month ending in 5 or 0 (when payments are often due) |