織物商 | draper |
欠陥商品 | defective merchandise |
貿易商 | trader |
食料品商 | grocery store |
大商い | heavy turnover (trading) |
堅い商売 | sound business |
月商 | monthly sales |
盛んな商売 | thriving business |
商店主 | storekeeper, proprietor of a shop |
商人街 | business street |
商売の株 | goodwill of a business |
商品名 | trade (brand) name |
暇な商売 | dull business |
微分商 | differential quotient |
行商人 | peddler, pedlar, hawker |
死の商人 | merchant of death, arms dealer |
大道商人 | street vendor, peddler, hawker |
美術商 | art dealer, fine art(s) shop |
宝石商 | jeweler, gem dealer |
霊感商法 | fraudulent way of business, cajoling people into buying articles for an extremely high price by claiming they will bring good luck |
年商 | yearly (annual) turnover |
クロス商い | cross trade |
アイディア商品 | novelty |
システム商品 | system goods |
ブランド商品 | brand items |
マルチ商法 | multilevel marketing system, pyramid selling, chain referral |
ガリバー商品 | outstanding product, market leader |
商流 | sales channels, (product) distribution channels |
金融商品 | financial products, financial instruments |
商業生産 | commercial production |
商標保護 | trademark protection |
商品先物取引 | commodity futures |
商用利用 | commercial use |
電子商取引 | e-commerce, electronic commerce |
包括通商競争力法 | Omnibus Trade and Competition Act |
無印商品 | unbranded goods |
商品性 | marketability, saleability |
商品力 | product appeal |
商圏 | business region |
薄商い | light trading, low volume of transactions |
商人気質 | mercantile mind-set, mercenary spirit, being intent on making a profit |
悪徳商法 | unscrupulous (crooked, fraudulent) business practices, pernicious sales methods |
貴顕紳商 | merchant prince |
行商稼業 | the peddling trade |
原野商法 | the selling of waste land (worthless property) by unscrupulous real-estate developers |
商人根性 | mercenary spirit, commercial motives, a nose for profit, moneygrubbing disposition |
商売往来 | business handbook (with glossary) of Edo period |
商売上手 | good at business, having a good head for business, businesslike |
商売繁盛 商売繁昌 商賣繁盛 商賣繁昌 | thriving (prosperous) business, rush of business |
点検商法 | an unscrupulous business practice of making sales by posing as an inspector and declaring the need for replacing items |
殿様商売 | amateurish (dilettantish) business |
殿様商法 | amateurish (dilettantish) way of doing business |
内職商法 | homeworking scheme (scam) |
便乗商法 | piggybacking marketing, the method of making sales by jumping on a bandwagon (like that of a boom, popularity, disaster, etc.) |
福祉商法 | (unscrupulous) sales methods used by someone falsely claiming to represent a charitable (social welfare) organization |
問題商法 | unscrupulous (crooked, fraudulent) business practices, pernicious sales methods |