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口 : Mouth
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Strokes: | 3 |
Radical: | 口 (30) |
Usage Rating: | 284 |
Unicode: | 053e3 |
jis208: | 24-93 |
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口 Usage examples
経口避妊薬 | oral contraceptives, the pill |
軽口話 | light jest or story |
軟口蓋 | soft palate |
風口 | air intake |
早口言葉 | tongue twister |
降車口 | exit |
鵞口瘡 鵝口瘡 | thrush (pediatric disease), aphtha, moniliasis |
掻き口説く かき口説く | to complain, to pester, to plead, to beg |
糸口を開く | to find a clue, to make a beginning |
火口丘 | volcanic cone |
辛口の酒 | dry sake |
傷口を縫う | to suture a wound, to sew up a wound |
口が多い | having a large family to support, having too many mouths to feed, garrulous, voluble |
口に合う 口にあう | to be palatable |
口笛を吹く | to whistle |
口を掛ける 口をかける | to call a geisha or prostitute over, to call, to invite |
口を慎む | to be careful in speech |
口を挟む 口をはさむ | to cut into (a conversation), to interject |
口を割る 口をわる | to confess, to speak out, to disclose, to tell |
口装 | muzzle loading gun |
登山口 | starting point of a mountain ascent, trailhead (leading up a mountain) |
排気口 | exhaust port |
一口喰う | to have a munch, to take a bite |
一口食べる | to eat a mouthful |
広口瓶 | jar, widemouthed bottle |
府県別人口 | population classified by prefectures |
雇い口 | job, employment |
過剰人口 | surplus population |
銀行口座 | bank account |
経口投与 | (doses for) oral administration |
口話法 | lipreading |
人口増加 | (allowing for) population increase, rise in population |
人口爆発 | population explosion |
人口抑制 | population control |
総合口座 | savings account, deposit account |
預金口座 | bank account |
口開け 口明け | beginning, opening, commencement (e.g. of sales), first sale |
注ぎ口 注口 | spout |
アフタ性口内炎 | stomatitis aphthosa |
烏口突起 | coracoid process |
貝殻状割れ口 | conchoidal fracture |
口述権 | public recitation right (e.g. reciting a poem in a bookstore) |
口煩い 口うるさい 口煩さい | nagging, faultfinding, carping, captious |
個人退職口座 | individual retirement account, IRA |
口蓋裂 | cleft palate |