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小 : Little
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little, small (radical 42)
ちい.さい こ- お- さ-
いさら こう さざ しゃお ちいさ
Strokes: | 3 |
Radical: | 小 (42) |
Usage Rating: | 114 |
Unicode: | 05c0f |
jis208: | 30-14 |
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小 Usage examples
軽薄短小 | small and light |
立ち小便 立小便 | urinating outdoors, urinating by the roadside |
短小 | short and small |
風車小屋 | windmill |
風俗小説 | novel depicting customs and manners of the day |
小アジア | Asia Minor |
小弟 | I, me |
小店 小見世 | passage formed under the eaves of houses after heavy snowfalls (Tohoku region), low class brothel, small store |
小琴 | koto (usu. small) |
掛け小屋 掛小屋 | temporary theater, temporary theatre, lean-to |
小一時間 | nearly one hour |
小売りに卸す | to sell wholesale to a retailer |
小型赤家蚊 | Culex tritaeniorhynchus |
小締まり | firmer tendency |
小面憎い | cheeky, saucy, pert |
小銭入れ | change purse |
小荷物扱い | parcel consignment |
小箱 小筥 小匣 | small box, casket |
小目 | komoku, cross next to the star (on a go game board) |
小戻す | to rally a little (e.g. market) |
ごく小さい 極小さい | very small |
小委 | subcommittee |
小一 小1 | first-year student of an elementary school |
小斎 | abstinence (in Catholicism) |
小主観 | small ego |
小乗 | Hinayana (the Lesser Vehicle) |
小成に安んじる | to be content with small successes |
小説を書く | to write a novel |
小東京 | epitome of Tokyo, miniature Tokyo |
小便を漏らす | to wet oneself |
小胞 | vesicle |
小名 | minor feudal lord |
同小 | the above-mentioned elementary school |
袋小路文 | easily misunderstood sentence, garden-path sentence, cul-de-sac sentence |
小っこい 小い | very small |
小豆鱒 | rock cod, black-saddled grouper |
小型乗用車 | small (compact) car, minicar |
小股掬い | over-thigh scooping body drop |
小品集 | collection of literary sketches, sketch book |
少女小説 | story for young girls |
水車小屋 | water mill |
郵便小包 | parcel |
小安貝 | cowrie (esp. the chocolate cowrie, Mauritia mauritiana), cowry |
小鹿 | fawn |
小臼歯 | premolar (tooth) |
小手投げ | armlock throw, forearm throw |
小選挙区 | small electoral district, single-member constituency |
小太鼓 | small drum |
小料理屋 | small restaurant, eating house |