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消 : Extinguish
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extinguish, blow out, turn off, neutralize, cancel
Strokes: | 10 |
Radical: | 氵 (85) |
Usage Rating: | 345 |
Unicode: | 06d88 |
jis208: | 30-35 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
消 Usage examples
立ち消え 立消え | fizzling out, falling through, coming to nothing |
拭き消す | to wipe out, to erase |
消え残る | to remain unextinguished, to survive |
掻き消す かき消す | to erase, to drown out (e.g. noise, sound) |
掻き消える かき消える | to disappear |
消夏 | summering, spending the summer |
消磨 | abrasion, wearing out |
消音 | silencing (e.g. machine), muffling, muting (e.g. TV) |
消え去る | to disappear, to vanish |
消化系 | digestive system |
消臭剤 | deodorant, deodorizer, air freshener |
消毒液 | antiseptic solution |
消費者側 | consumers side |
臭い消し | deodorant |
消防法 | Fire Services Act, fire laws |
発展的解消 | dissolution of several sections into a new organization (organisation) |
私消 | embezzlement (misappropriation) (of public funds) |
消し去る | to get rid of, to erase |
消息子 | probe |
一次消費者 | primary consumer |
一般消費税 | general consumption tax |
化学的消化 | chemical digestion |
過剰消費 | over-consumption |
債務帳消し | debt forgiveness |
消化管間質腫瘍 | gastrointestinal stromal tumor (tumour), GIST |
消費パターン | consumption pattern |
消費者関係 | consumer relations |
消費者金融 | consumer credit (finance, loan) |
消費者市場 | consumer market |
消費者支出 | consumer spending |
消費者受容 | consumer acceptance |
消費者需要 | consumer demand |
消費者心情 | consumer sentiment |
消費者物価指数 | consumer price index, CPI |
消費者文化 | consumer culture |
消費者保護 | consumer protection |
消費者保護法 | consumer-protection law |
消息不明 | untraceable, long lost |
消長盛衰 | prosperity and decay, rise and fall, ebb and flow, vicissitudes (of fortune) |
消臭 | deodorization |
消防署長 | fire captain, fire marshal |
消費社会 | consumer society |
消化性潰瘍 | peptic ulcer |
立ち消える 立消える | to fall through (of plans, etc.), to fizzle out, to come to nothing |
消費者物価 | consumer prices |
消する | (of time) to pass, to while away |
消ずる | (of time) to pass, to while away |