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上 : Above
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above, up
ジョウ ショウ シャン
うえ -うえ うわ- かみ あ.げる -あ.げる あ.がる -あ.がる あ.がり -あ.がり のぼ.る のぼ.り のぼ.せる のぼ.す たてまつ.る
あおい あげ い か かき かず かん こう のぼり ほつ
Strokes: | 3 |
Radical: | 一 (1) |
Usage Rating: | 35 |
Unicode: | 04e0a |
jis208: | 30-69 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
上 Usage examples
雲上人 | the nobility |
雲の上 | something unreachable, place of out of reach |
掻き上げ 掻上 掻上げ | turning up a lamp wick |
腰上げ | tuck at the waist |
叩き上げ たたき上げ | self-made person, veteran |
立ち上がり 立上り 立ち上り 立上がり | how well a pitcher pitches at the start of the game, beginning, build up |
食い上げ | (in fishing) the fish swimming upward after biting the fishhook |
雪上 | on the snow |
刈り上げ | close-cropped hair, harvesting |
染め上がり | being dyed |
縫い上げる | to finish sewing |
でっち上げる 捏ち上げる 捏っち上げる | to cobble up, to put together in a hurry, to make up (a story), to hoax, to pull a hoax |
追い上げる | to gain on, to put pressure on |
照り上がる | to become bright with sunlight following a shower |
焼き上げる | to burn, to roast, to grill, to bake |
絞り上げる 搾り上げる | to scold, to wring |
洗い上げる | to finish washing, to wash well, to investigate thoroughly |
祭り上げる 祭上げる | to set up (in high position), to kick upstairs |
槍玉に上げる やり玉に上げる | to make an example of, to make a victim of, to hold up somebody (something) to ridicule, to single out someone for criticism |
競り上げる 競上げる | to bid up the price of |
仕立て上げる | to make out to be, to set someone up (as), to prepare (e.g. someone for a role), to make (e.g. "a man out of him"), to frame |
繰り上がる 繰上がる 繰り上る 繰上る | to be carried (of a number in addition), to be advanced |
経上がる | to rise |
振り上げる | to raise overhead |
掻き上げる かき上げる | to comb upwards, to brush up (a loose strand of hair) |
立ち上る 立上る | to go up, to rise up |
染め上げる | to finish dyeing |
呼び上げる | to call out |
咳き上げる | to have a coughing fit, to sob convulsively |
腕が上がる | to gain in skill, to improve, to get better |
上げたり下げたり | raising and lowering, praising and blaming |
上からの命令 | order from above |
上の級に進む | to move up to a higher grade |
上の子 | the older child |
上の地位 | higher position |
上を向く | to look upward |
噂に上る | to be gossiped about |