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一 : One (radical 1)
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one (radical 1)
かず い いっ いる かつ かづ てん はじめ ひ ひとつ まこと
Strokes: | 1 |
Radical: | 一 (1) |
Usage Rating: | 2 |
Unicode: | 04e00 |
jis208: | 16-76 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
一 Usage examples
好一対 | well-matched |
紅一点 | the lone woman (e.g. bright flower) in a group |
老いの一徹 | obstinacy of old age |
猫の子一匹居ない | completely deserted |
一山当てる | to be right on target, to strike it rich |
一札入れる | to give a signed statement or an IOU |
一再ならず | to over and over |
一糸乱れず | in perfect order |
一役買う | to take on a role, to take part |
一杯食わす | to play a trick on |
一服盛る | to drug (someone, food, drink) |
一脈相通ずる | to have in common (with) |
一脈相通じる | to have in common (with) |
一敗地に塗れる | to meet with defeat |
一旗あげる 一旗揚げる | to make a name for oneself, to achieve success |
混然一体となる 渾然一体となる | to form a complete whole, to be joined together |
一荘 | one full game (consisting of east, south, west, and north rounds) |
一応聞いておく 一応聞いて置く | to hear someone out anyway |
一丸となって | in unison, as one, united |
一群の羊 | flock of sheep |
一軍を率いて | at the head of an army |
一撃の下に | by a single blow |
一字空ける | to leave a space (between words) |
一字削る | to delete a letter |
一条の煙 | a wisp of smoke |
一陣の風 | gust of wind |
一段落付ける | to complete the first stage of, to settle for the time being |
一読の価値が有る 一読の価値がある | to be worth reading |
一度だけ 一度丈 | only once |
一日を過ごす | to pass a day |
一年生草本 | annual herb |
一飛 | first fly |
一分一厘も違わず | to be exactly alike |
一要素 | one element, one factor |
一家掛かりで | with the whole family |
一家の主 | master of the household |
一家の長 | head of a family |
一茎 | a stem |
一軒置いて隣 | next door but one |
一刻を争う | to race against time |
一顧もしない | not give a damn, take no notice of |
一昨年あたり 一昨年辺り | the year before last (or thereabouts) |
一糸もまとわず 一糸も纏わず | stark-naked, without a stitch of clothing on |
一朱銀 | type of silver coin in the Edo period |
一矢を報いる | to retaliate, to return a blow |
一世の雄 | greatest hero (mastermind) of the age |
一層目 | first layer |
一等陸士 | private first-class |
一発放つ | to break wind, to let off a fart, to have a shot |
一般席 | general admission seat |
一服飲む | to have a smoke |
一歩下がる | to take a step backward |