職場結婚 | marriage between co-workers |
職場闘争 | labor unrest, labour unrest |
流し場 | place for showering next to a tub |
林業試験場 | experimental forestry station |
岩場 | rocky area, rockface, rock wall |
留置場 | police cell, place of detention |
溜まり場 たまり場 溜り場 | gathering spot, haunt, rendezvous, meeting place, hang-out |
変動為替相場制 | floating exchange rate system, flexible exchange rate system |
早場米 | rice from an early harvest, early rice |
鱈場蟹 鱈場ガニ | red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus) |
催事場 | event hall |
憩いの場 | place for relaxation and refreshment |
競輪場 | cycle racing track, esp. for keirin (course) |
壇場 | stage |
力の場 | field of force |
月極駐車場 月極め駐車場 | parking lot rented on a monthly basis |
時と場合によって | should time and circumstances permit |
銅相場 | market price of copper |
場合に応じて | in accordance with the situation |
場所を取る 場所をとる | to take up space, to occupy space |
場を取る | to occupy much space |
名場面 | famous (impressive) scene |
ヤングラ市場 | young underground market (the underground economy in goods and services, involving lots of barter and buying and selling of secondhand goods) |
米市場 | the rice market |
闇市場 | black market |
駅前広場 | station square (plaza) |
演習場 | maneuvering ground, manoeuvering ground |
下水処理場 | sewage (treatment) plant |
歌劇場 | opera house |
海外市場 | overseas (a foreign) market |
稽古場 | training room (hall), gymnasium |
劇場街 | theater district (quarter), theatre district |
建築現場 | building (construction) site |
現場監督 | field overseer, site foreman |
工場地帯 | factory or industrial district or area |
工場長 | factory manager, works manager |
採石場 | quarry, stone pit |
産卵場所 | spawning grounds, egg-laying site |
市場価値 | market value |
自由市場 | free market |
実験場 | proving ground, test site |
修理工場 | repair shop |
集合場所 | meeting place, rendezvous (point), roll-call (assembly) point, appointed (designated) place |
処理場 | processing plant, treatment plant |
場内放送 | (announcement over) the public address system (e.g. in stadium) |
神宮球場 | Jingu Stadium |
整備工場 | repair shop, garage |
製紙工場 | paper mill (factory) |
石鹸工場 | soap works |
染色工場 | dye works |