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食 : Eat
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eat, food (radical 184)
く.う く.らう た.べる は.む
Strokes: | 9 |
Radical: | 食 (184) |
Usage Rating: | 328 |
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食 Usage examples
生理的食塩水 | physiological saline solution |
欠食 | missing a meal |
欠食児童 | schoolchild without lunch |
立食 | stand-up meal, buffet |
粒食 | eating rice, (cereal) grains |
食人種 | cannibals |
食い上げ | (in fishing) the fish swimming upward after biting the fishhook |
食あたり 食中り | food poisoning |
食い代 | food expenses |
食用油 | cooking oil |
食休み | rest after a meal |
食い合わせ 食い合せ 食合せ | dovetailing, fitting together |
食肉植物 | carnivorous plants |
食虫 | insectivore |
食虫植物 | insectivorous plants, carnivorous plants |
食い初め 食初め | weaning ceremony |
食い足りない | unsatisfied, dissatisfied with, leaving something to be desired |
食卓塩 | table salt |
食べ歩き | walking while eating, eating while walking |
食物連鎖 | food chain |
食い放題 | all-you-can-eat |
食前酒 | aperitif |
食品加工業 | food industry |
食品店 | grocery store |
食品衛生法 | food hygiene law |
食紅 | red food coloring, red food colouring |
食料品商 | grocery store |
食べ掛け 食べかけ | half-eaten |
食い掛け 食いかけ | half-eaten |
食道楽 食い道楽 | gourmand, epicure |
食いすぎ 食い過ぎ | overeating |
食間 | between meals |
食傷 | food poisoning, glut, being fed up |
食いだめ 食い溜め | stuffing oneself with food, eating enough to go without food for some time |
食べカス 食べかす 食べ滓 食べ粕 | leavings of a meal, bits of food, leftovers |
食塩水 | saline solution |
食べず嫌い | disliking without even tasting |
食い意地 | gluttony |