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浸 : Immersed
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immersed, soak, dip, steep, moisten, wet, dunk
ひた.す ひた.る
Strokes: | 10 |
Radical: | 氵 (85) |
Usage Rating: | 1447 |
Unicode: | 06d78 |
jis208: | 31-27 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
浸 Usage examples
幸福に浸る | to be blissful, to be very happy |
浸し物 | boiled greens flavored with soy (flavoured) |
浸透圧 | osmotic pressure |
浸透性 | osmosis, permeability |
一過性肺浸潤 | transient pulmonary infiltration |
化学浸透圧説 | chemiosmotic hypothesis |
海岸浸食 | coast erosion |
市場浸透 | market penetration |
浸潤性腫瘍 | invasive tumor, invasive tumour |
非浸潤性乳管がん | ductal carcinoma in situ, DCIS |
防浸 | watertight, waterproof |
浸透度 | degree of penetration, penetrance |