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深 : Deep
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deep, heighten, intensify, strengthen
ふか.い -ぶか.い ふか.まる ふか.める み-
Strokes: | 11 |
Radical: | 氵 (85) |
Usage Rating: | 484 |
Unicode: | 06df1 |
jis208: | 31-28 |
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深 Usage examples
深窓に育つ | to be brought up with tenderest care in a good family |
考え深い | thoughtful, deep-thinking |
業が深い | past redemption, sinful |
深交 | close friendship |
深紅色 | scarlet, deep crimson |
深甚なる | extreme, deep |
深夜族 | the night owls |
情の深い | kind-hearted, compassionate, charitable |
深い愛情 | deep affection, devotion, profound attachment |
深い関係 | close connection, deep involvement, close relationship |
深い霧 | thick fog, dense fog |
深緑色 | dark (deep) green |
理解を深める | to cultivate a better understanding |
焦点深度 | depth of focus |
深層心理学 | depth psychology |
深夜放送 | late-night (all-night) broadcasting |
深読み | reading too much into (what ... says) |
音響測深 | echo sounding |
懐が深い | (of a rikishi) tall, with long reach, making it harder for their opponent to get a grip on their mawashi |
深部静脈血栓症 | deep vein thrombosis, DVT |
潜望鏡深度 | periscope depth |
深慮遠謀 | deep design and forethought, a farsighted and deeply-laid plan |
遠謀深慮 | deep design and forethought, farsighted and deeply-laid plan |
深層心理 | deep psyche, unconscious mind, depth psychology |
馴染み深い なじみ深い | extremely intimate, very well-acquainted |
深山莢迷 | Wright viburnum, viburnum wrightii |
被写界深度 | depth of field (photography) |
彫りの深い | finely chiseled (features) |
深紫 | deep purple |
意味深 | with profound (often hidden) meaning, being suggestive, pregnant with significance |
恵み深い | gracious, benign |
印象深い | deeply impressive, memorable, striking |
愛情深い | loving, caring, devoted |
深皿 | deep dish, dish with a high rim, tureen |