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震 : Quake
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quake, shake, tremble, quiver, shiver
ふる.う ふる.える
Strokes: | 15 |
Radical: | 雨 (173) |
Usage Rating: | 893 |
Unicode: | 09707 |
jis208: | 31-44 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
震 Usage examples
震天動地 | earth-shaking |
震え声 | trembling or quavering voice |
震災記念日 | anniversary of the Great Kanto earthquake |
震幅 | seismic amplitude |
震源地 | epicenter, epicentre |
震撼 | shake |
震い付く 震いつく | to hug |
震旦 | (ancient) China |
紫震殿 | Hall for State Ceremonies (in Heian Palace, Kyoto Imperial Palace, etc.) |
震撼させる | to shock, to shake |
震駭させる | to frighten, to terrify, to shock |
地震地帯 | seismic part (zone, belt) |
異常震域 | region of anomalous seismic intensity |
火山性地震 | volcanic earthquake |
海震 | seaquake |
起震車 | earthquake simulation vehicle |
浅発地震 | shallow earthquake, shallow-focus earthquake |
免震 | base isolation, seismic base isolation, base isolating, vibration damping at the base of a building |
免震構造 | base isolated system, quake-absorbing structure |