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推 : Conjecture
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conjecture, infer, guess, suppose, support, push (for)
Strokes: | 11 |
Radical: | 扌 (64) |
Usage Rating: | 507 |
Unicode: | 063a8 |
jis208: | 31-68 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
推 Usage examples
推し進める | to press forward |
推して | by conjecture (deduction) |
推薬 | propellant |
推移的 | transitive |
推定相続人 | heir(s) presumptive |
推定年齢 | estimated (probable) age (e.g. of victim) |
ジェット推進船 | jet propulsion ship |
推奨銘柄リスト | recommended list |
不合理推論 | nonsequitur, non sequitur |
推挙式 | first ring-entering ceremony of the newly promoted grand champion, performed at Meiji shrine |
月下推敲 | polish, elaboration, being very scrupulous in the choice of diction |
推進母体 | nucleus (of a project proposal, of a social movement, etc.) |
類推推理 | reasoning by analogy, analogical inference, analogism |
推薦書 | recommendation, nomination |
四柱推命 | Four Pillar astrology |
推して知るべし | can be easily guessed |
循環型社会形成推進基本法 | Act for Establishing a Recycling-Oriented Society |
推移図 | transition diagram, trend diagram |
逆推進ロケット | retrorocket |
推奨株 | recommended stock |