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液 : Fluid
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fluid, liquid, juice, sap, secretion
Strokes: | 11 |
Radical: | 氵 (85) |
Usage Rating: | 1210 |
Unicode: | 06db2 |
jis208: | 17-53 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
液 Usage examples
リンパ液 淋巴液 | lymph fluid |
髄液 | cerebrospinal fluid |
液安 | liquid ammonia |
液を絞る | to squeeze the juice (from) |
血液中の糖 | blood sugar |
消毒液 | antiseptic solution |
重液分離 | heavy media (liquid) separation |
液状化 | liquefaction, liquefy |
液性限界 | liquid limit |
液晶盤 | liquid crystal (display) panel |
修正液 | correction fluid, correcting fluid, white out, Wite-out, Liquid Paper, Tipp-Ex |
人工血液 | artificial blood |
腸液 | intestinal fluids (juices) |
冷却液 | coolant |
原液 | undiluted solution (of) |
ガス液 | gas liquor |
クレゾール石鹸液 | saponated cresol solution |
コロイド溶液 | colloidal solution |
悪液質 | cachexia, cachexy, wasting syndrome |
液圧プレス | hydraulic press |
液晶テレビ | liquid crystal television |
液状化現象 | liquefaction |
液相 | liquid phase |
液体アンモニア | liquid ammonia |
液体シール | liquid seal |
液体ジェット加工 | liquid jet processing |
液体ヘリウム | liquid helium |
液体金属 | liquid metal |
液胞 液泡 | vacuole, sap cavity |
過飽和溶液 | supersaturated solution |
滑液 | synovial fluid |
液化天然ガス | liquefied natural gas, LNG |
血液ドーピング | blood doping |
血液製剤 | blood products |
粘液便 | mucous feces, mucous stool |
血液内科 | haematology, hematology |
濾液 ろ液 | filtrate |
ボルドー液 | Bordeaux mixture |
保湿液 | moisturizer, moisturizing lotion |
液晶ビューカム | liquid crystal viewcam |
液溜 液溜め 液だめ | reservoir (of liquid) |
膣液 | vaginal secretion (during arousal), vaginal lubricant |
膣分泌液 | vaginal secretion (during arousal), vaginal lubricant |
液だく | soupy, containing more broth or sauce than usual (of gyudon, etc.) |
非加熱血液製剤 | untreated (unheated) blood products |
脳脊髄液減少症 | cerebrospinal fluid hypovolemia, CSF hypovolemia, intracranial hypotension syndrome |
低髄液圧症候群 | cerebrospinal fluid hypovolemia, CSF hypovolemia, intracranial hypotension syndrome |
液化ガス | liquefied gas, liquid gas |