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世 : Generation
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generation, world, society, public
Strokes: | 5 |
Radical: | 一 (1) |
Usage Rating: | 135 |
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世 Usage examples
警世 | warning (to society) |
警世家 | social critic |
経世家 | statesman |
前世紀の遺物 | extremely outmoded |
立身出世 | success in life |
世間知らず | ignorant of the ways of the world |
小見世 | passage formed under the eaves of houses after heavy snowfalls (Tohoku region), low class brothel, small store |
阿世 | timeserving |
一世の雄 | greatest hero (mastermind) of the age |
隔世の感がある 隔世の感が有る | to be poles apart |
叔世 | age of decline (said of a nation) |
世帯を張る | to keep (set up) house |
世界銀行 | World Bank |
世界交通の衝 | focus of the trade routes of the world |
世界新 | new world record |
世銀 | World Bank |
世間の通り | reputation |
世話の焼ける | to be annoying, to be troublesome |
仲見世通り | shopping street in the precincts of a shrine (temple) |
濁った世の中 | this corrupt world |
世に遅れる | to fall behind the times |
可能世界モデル | possible-world model |
出世魚 | fish that are called by different names as they grow larger |
世界一周旅行 | round-the-world trip, world cruise |
世界記録 | world record, establishing a world record (in) |
世界経済 | world economy, international economy |
世界情勢 | world situation, world affairs |
世界制覇 | domination of the world, world hegemony |
世界選手権 | world (an international) championship (title) |
世界平和 | world peace, peace of the world |
世帯数 | number of households |
世代交代 | alternation of generations |
お世話をする 御世話をする | to take care of |
対世効 | binding legal effectiveness as to third parties |
四半世紀 | quarter of a century |
仲見世 | nakamise, shops lining a passageway in the precincts of a Shinto shrine |
我が世の春 | heyday, prime |
世話が焼ける 世話がやける | to be troublesome, to require the aid and labour of others |
次世代携帯電話 | next-generation mobile phone |
出世第一主義 | careerism |
世界気象機関 | World Meteorological Organization (Organisation), WMO |
世界記録保持者 | world record holder |
世界経済フォーラム | World Economic Forum |
世界経済見通し | World Economic Outlook (IMF publication) |
世界市場 | global market |
世界食糧計画 | World Food Program, WFP |
世界知的所有権機関 | World Intellectual Property Organization (Organisation), WIPO |
世界的不況 | global recession |
世界標準 | global standards |
世界不況 | world recession |
世界陸上 | World Championships in Athletics |
世帯所得 | family income |
電話世論調査 | telephone poll |
文明世界 | civilized world, civilised world |