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聖 : Holy
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holy, saint, sage, master, priest
きよ さと さとし せ たか ただ ひろ まさ み
Strokes: | 13 |
Radical: | 耳 (128) |
Usage Rating: | 1165 |
Unicode: | 08056 |
jis208: | 32-27 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
聖 Usage examples
高野聖 | Lethocerus deyrollei (species of giant water bug) |
聖路加病院 | St Luke Hospital |
聖火台 | platform (structure) bearing the Olympic flame |
聖職者 | clergyman, churchman, clergy |
聖女 | saint, holy woman |
グレゴリオ聖歌 | Gregorian chant |
聖火リレー | Olympic torch relay |
聖 | sacred, holy, pure |
聖卓 | altar (esp. Christian) |
聖獣 | sacred beast |
聖人君子 | person of lofty virtue, man of noble character, perfect person, saint |
聖人賢者 | person of lofty virtue and great wisdom |
聖名祝日 | name day |
聖槍 | holy lance, sacred spear |
聖櫃 | tabernacle (Catholicism) |
聖杯 聖盃 | Holy Chalice, Holy Grail |
聖なる | holy, sacred |
聖句 | passage from scripture |
聖母マリア | Virgin Mary |
聖水 | urine, especially as relates to urolagnia or urophilia |
聖神中央教会 | The Central Church of Holy God |
八聖道 | noble eightfold path |
聖柄 | plain, wooden sword hilt (as opposed to those wrapped in sharkskin) |