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赤 : Red (radical 155)
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red (radical 155)
あか あか- あか.い あか.らむ あか.らめる
Strokes: | 7 |
Radical: | 赤 (155) |
Usage Rating: | 584 |
Unicode: | 08d64 |
jis208: | 32-54 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
赤 Usage examples
腰赤燕 | striated swallow (Hirundo striolata) |
赤経 | right ascension |
赤味を帯びた | tinged with red, reddish |
赤らんだ | florid, ruddy |
顔を赤らめる | to change color, to change colour, to blush |
小型赤家蚊 | Culex tritaeniorhynchus |
赤十字附 | school attached to the Japan Red Cross Society |
貿易赤字 | trade deficit |
赤鼻 | red nose |
アメーバ赤痢 | amoebic dysentery, amebic dysentery |
カドミウム赤 | cadmium red |
赤肉 | dark meat on poultry (leg, thigh) |
財政赤字 | budget deficit |
赤外線通信 | infrared data communication |
赤血球生成促進因子 | erythropoietin, EPO |
赤煉瓦 赤レンガ | red brick |
赤ワイン | red wine |
赤 | copper, total, perfect, obvious |
赤房 | red tassel hung above the southeast corner of the ring |
赤鯛 | fish given to a tournament winner as congratulations |
赤毛猿 | rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta), rhesus macaque |
赤ランプ | red light, stop light, danger signal |
赤荻 | late Edo-period pejorative for Russians |
赤烏帽子 | metaphor for an odd item or having a taste for such an item |
赤手空拳 | barehanded |
赤魚鯛 | red rockfish, red scorpionfish |
赤狼 | red wolf (Canis rufus) |
赤酸塊 赤すぐり 赤スグリ | red-currant (Ribes rubrum) |
赤四手 赤幣 | loose-flowered hornbeam (Carpinus laxiflora), akashide |
赤み 赤味 | reddish tinge, tinge of red, slight redness, blush |
赤もつ 赤臓 | internal organs such as heart, liver, kidneys used as food |
赤方偏移 | red shift |
赤色巨星 | red giant |
赤日 | menstruation |
赤味がかる 赤味掛かる | to be tinged red |
赤絵 | red painting on ceramics |
赤新月社 | Red Crescent Society |
赤菱 | Red Crystal (politically and religiously neutral emblem used by the International Committee of the Red Cross) |