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染 : Dye
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dye, color, paint, stain, print
そ.める -ぞ.め -ぞめ そ.まる し.みる -じ.みる し.み -し.める
Strokes: | 9 |
Radical: | 木 (75) |
Usage Rating: | 837 |
Unicode: | 067d3 |
jis208: | 32-87 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
染 Usage examples
性行為感染症 | sexually transmitted disease, sexually transmitted infection, STD, STI |
性染色体 | sex chromosome |
熱汚染 | thermal pollution |
薫染 | good influence |
白髪染め | hair dye |
染め上がり | being dyed |
染井吉野 | Yoshino cherry (Prunus yedoensis) |
染め分け | dyed in various colors, dyed in various colours |
染め付け 染付 | blue and white ceramics (china, porcelain), printing |
染め色 | dyed color, dyed colour |
染色体 | chromosome |
染色体地図 | chromosome map |
染色体異常 | chromosomal abnormality |
染め糸 | dyed thread or yarn |
染み抜き | stain removal |
染め物 染物 | dyed goods, goods to be dyed |
染め物屋 染物屋 | dyer, dye house |
染め型 | dyed pattern, dyeing stencil |
染め粉 | dye |
染髪剤 | hair dye |
染め模様 | dyed pattern |
汗染みる | to be sweat-stained |
垢染みる | to become grimy or dirty |
染め上げる | to finish dyeing |
染め込む | to dye |
染め抜く | to dye fast, to leave undyed |
染め返す | to dye again |
染め直す 染めなおす | to dye again |
染髪 | hair dyeing |
染め 染 | dyeing, printing |
悪に染まる | to steeped in vice |
朱に染まる | to welter in blood, to be covered in blood |
染みを付ける | to blot, to stain, to smudge |
焚き染める | to perfume clothes by burning incense |
手を染める | to get involved (with), to begin (with), to have a hand (in) |
伝染を防ぐ | to prevent infection |
頬を染める | to blush |
藍染め 藍染 | indigo dye |
汚染物質 | pollutant, contaminant |
感染経路 | infection route, source of infection |
染色工場 | dye works |
アニリン染料 | aniline dye |
グラム染色 | gram stain |
スローウイルス感染症 | slow virus infection |
塩基性染料 | basic dye |
汚染者負担原則 | Polluter Pays Principle, PPP |
下染め 下染 | preliminary dyeing, bottoming |
括り染め 括り染 | tie-dyeing |
感染源 | source of infection |
ダイオキシン汚染 | dioxin contamination |
汚染レベル | contamination level |