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潜 : Submerge
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submerge, conceal, hide, lower (voice), hush
ひそ.む もぐ.る かく.れる くぐ.る ひそ.める
Strokes: | 15 |
Radical: | 氵 (85) |
Usage Rating: | 1329 |
Unicode: | 06f5c |
jis208: | 32-88 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
潜 Usage examples
掻い潜る かい潜る | to slip through |
潜像 | latent image |
潜在能力 | potential, latent faculties, potential capacities |
潜り抜ける | to struggle through, to get through (difficulties, danger, etc.), to escape (through the cordon), to evade (the law) |
攻撃型潜水艦 | attack submarine |
潜望鏡深度 | periscope depth |
潜水作業員 | diver |
潜り | side door, side gate, wicket gate |
潜水艇 | submarine, submersible vessel |
潜く | to force something under the surface of the water, to collect shells, seaweed, etc. by diving under the water |
素潜り | skin diving, free diving |
影を潜める | to disappear, to vanish |
潜脱 | circumvention of the law, evasion of the law (by using legal means to obtain a result normally only obtainable by illegal ones) |