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鮮 : Fresh
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fresh, vivid, clear, brilliant, Korea
Strokes: | 17 |
Radical: | 魚 (195) |
Usage Rating: | 355 |
Unicode: | 09bae |
jis208: | 33-15 |
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鮮 Usage examples
生鮮料品 | perishable foods |
生鮮食料品 | perishable food, perishables |
海鮮料理 | cuisine with fresh seafoods |
内鮮一体 日鮮一体 | Japan and Korea as one (slogan from 1910-1945) |
朝鮮朝顔 | thorn apple, jimsonweed, Datura stramonium |
鮮血淋漓 | dripping with fresh blood |
朝鮮征伐 | Imjin War (1592 - 1597) |
李氏朝鮮 | Joseon Dynasty, Yi Dynasty (1392-1910) Korea |
朝鮮出兵 | Imjin War (1592 - 1597) |
北朝鮮人 | North Korean person |
朝鮮動乱 | Korean War (1950-1953) |
朝鮮事変 | Korean War (1950-1953) |
南鮮 | South Korea |
鮮人 | Korean person |
巧言令色鮮し仁 | those who resort to blandishments and fawning smiles are apt to lack compassion, a honeyed tongue with a heart of gall |
朝鮮蟷螂 | narrow-winged mantis |