淡水魚 | freshwater fish |
岩魚 嘉魚 | char, charr |
軟骨魚類 | cartilaginous fishes, chondrichthyans |
魚を取る 魚をとる 魚を捕る 魚を獲る 魚を穫る | to catch fish |
旬の魚 | fish in season |
観賞魚 | aquarium fish |
魚雷発射管 | torpedo tube |
金魚屋 | goldfish seller (vendor) |
出世魚 | fish that are called by different names as they grow larger |
魚籠 | (wicker) basket used for carrying fish, creel |
公魚 | Japanese pond smelt (Hypomesus nipponensis) |
硬骨魚 | bony fish, osteichthyan |
柳葉魚 | shishamo smelt (Spirinchus lanceolatus) |
ホーミング魚雷 | homing torpedo |
花虎魚 | sargassum fish |
虱目魚 | milkfish (Chanos chanos) |
玉筋魚 | Japanese sand lance (Ammodytes personatus), Pacific sandeel |
魚の食い | fish biting (striking, taking bait) |
人間魚雷回天 | kaiten, human torpedo in WW2 |
魚体 | fish body |
木に縁って魚を求む | to be unable to accomplish something because one has chosen the wrong method, to ask for the impossible, to look for fish by climbing a tree (Mencius) |
魚料理 | fish-based cooking, fish dish |
遡河魚 溯河魚 | anadromous fish (fish that migrates upstream, e.g. salmon) |
洗魚 | sashimi chilled in iced water |
沈魚落雁 | charms of a uniquely beautiful woman, (so beautiful that) fish stay on the bottom of water and flying wild geese fall from the sky in shame |
氷魚 | whitebait, immature sweetfish |
赤魚鯛 | red rockfish, red scorpionfish |
真魚箸 | type of long chopsticks used in the preparation of fish, type of long chopsticks used to hold the fish in carving knife ceremony |
金魚掬い | festival game in which participants try to catch goldfish in a shallow paper ladle |
大衆魚 | cheap fish for the masses (e.g. sardines, mackerel, pike) |
金魚売り | goldfish peddling, goldfish peddler |
木に縁りて魚を求む | to be unable to accomplish something because one has chosen the wrong method, to ask for the impossible, to look for fish by climbing a tree |
魚心 | favor done for somebody |
魚醤 | fish sauce (made from fermented salted fish) |
魚醤油 | fish sauce (made from fermented salted fish) |
大魚 | large fish |
金魚の糞 | person who tags along, hanger-on, person who follows someone around like a shadow, clingy person, goldfish feces |
外来魚 | introduced (non-native) fish species |
御魚 | fish |
樺太柳葉魚 | capelin, caplin (Mallotus villosus) |
網呑舟の魚を漏らす | (of a legal system) so lax that even the greatest criminal can escape |