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措 : Set aside
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set aside, give up, suspend, discontinue, lay aside, except
Strokes: | 11 |
Radical: | 扌 (64) |
Usage Rating: | 818 |
Unicode: | 063aa |
jis208: | 33-28 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
措 Usage examples
窮措大 | poor student (scholar) |
措止 | behavior, behaviour, demeanor, demeanour |
措辞法 | syntax |
特別措置 | special measure, special measures |
特措 | special measure, special measures |
緊急措置 | emergency measures, urgent countermeasures |
暫定措置 | temporary step, stopgap measure |
税制優遇措置 | tax break |
挙措進退 | behavior, bearing, demeanor |
挙措言動 | speech and behavior, words and deeds |
是正措置 | corrective action (measure), rectification |
善後措置 | remedial measure, preventive measure, the best way to cope with (meet) the situation |
措置入院 | involuntary admission (commitment) (to a mental hospital) |
何は扨措き | before anything else, first of all |
保障措置 | safeguard |
信頼醸成措置 | confidence-building measures, CBM |
扨措き | setting aside, leaving to one side |
を措いて | other than, excluding, without |
安全措置 | safety measure, safety precaution |