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増 : Increase
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increase, add, augment, gain, promote
ま.す ま.し ふ.える ふ.やす
Strokes: | 14 |
Radical: | 土 (32) |
Usage Rating: | 231 |
Unicode: | 05897 |
jis208: | 33-93 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
増 Usage examples
弥増さる | to become still greater |
自然増 | natural increase |
信用が増す | to gain more confidence |
増加分 | increment |
増税案 | tax increase proposal |
体重が増える | to gain weight |
人手を増やす | to add to the staff, to increase the staff |
増し刷り | reprinting, additional printing |
水増し予算 | budget of padded (empty) figures |
量が増える | to gain in quantity |
人口増加 | (allowing for) population increase, rise in population |
増加率 | rate of increase |
臨時増刊 | extra (special) issue (e.g. of a magazine) |
大年増 | woman well past her prime, matron well-advanced in age |
プッシュプル増幅器 | push-pull amplifier |
軍事増強 | military build-up |
増資権利落ち | ex-rights (stock) |
第三者割当増資 | third-party allocation of shares |
方が増し | I would rather, I would as lief do, strong preference |
ないよりは増し ないより増し 無いよりは増し 無いより増し | better than a poke in the eye, better than none at all, better than nothing |
微増 | slight increase, marginal rise |
増粘剤 | thickener |
増 | increase |
増長天狗 | braggart, boaster, self-conceited person |
耳年増 | young woman with a lot of superficial knowledge about sex, etc. |
増え続ける | to continue to increase, to continue to mount |
増改築 | extension and structural alteration of building |
増補改訂 | revising (and supplementing) |
増補改訂版 | enlarged and revised edition |
増感 | sensitization, hypersensitization |
何にも増して | above all else, more than anything |
増収増益 | increase in income and profit |
年増美人 | woman of mature beauty |