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太 : Plump
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plump, thick, big around
ふと.い ふと.る
Strokes: | 4 |
Radical: | 大 (37) |
Usage Rating: | 552 |
Unicode: | 0592a |
jis208: | 34-32 |
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太 Usage examples
立太子 | investiture of the Crown Prince |
立太子式 | investiture of the Crown Prince |
白太 | sapwood |
太陽日 | solar day |
義太夫語り | gidayuu reciter |
肥え太る | to grow fat |
線の太い | strong-nerved, decisive |
太閤 | taiko, title for a regent, later for the grand chancellor, also for the father of an Imperial adviser (advisor) who passed the role to his son |
太守 | viceroy, governor-general |
太陽及び地球 | the sun and the earth |
太陽光 | sunlight |
太陽神経叢 | solar plexus |
太刀二腰 | two swords |
太い腕 | big arm, brawny arm |
太糸 | low count yarn, thick thread |
丸々と太った 丸丸と太った | rotund, plump, chubby |
立太子礼 | ceremony of installing a Crown Prince |
太枘 | dowel, joggle |
太巻き 太巻 | rolling something thickly, something rolled thickly (i.e. a cigar, a thick roll of makizushi, etc.) |
根太板 | floorboard |
太刀さばき 太刀捌き | swordplay, swordsmanship |
太陽風 | solar wind |
アジア太平洋 | Asia-Pacific (region) |
小太鼓 | small drum |
アモルファス太陽電池 | amorphous solar cell |
一太刀 | stroke of sword |
樺太鱒 | pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha), humpback salmon |
極太 | thick, heavy thread, something extremely thick |
アジア太平洋経済協力会議 | Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, APEC |
太平洋経済協力会議 | Pacific Economic Cooperation Council, PECC |
太陽エネルギー | solar energy, solar power |
野太刀 | large war sword (carried across the back) |
長太刀 | ancient longsword |
太りすぎ 太り過ぎ | overweight |
王太子 | crown prince |
王太子妃 | crown princess |
王太妃 | crown princess |
太り気味 | plump, rather overweight |
小太刀 | short sword, small sword |
天下太平 | peaceful and tranquil (uneventful), peace reigns over the land, halcyon times of peace |
寄せ太鼓 | drums sounded in the morning to draw the crowds to a match |
太鼓内訳 | drumming style used to announce bouts |
跳ね太鼓 | drumming at the end of the day of wrestling inviting spectators to return tomorrow |
明太子 | walleye pollack roe (generally served salted and spiced with red pepper) |
太平無事 | peace and quiet, safe and peaceful, tranquil and uneventful |
一番太鼓 | beating of a drum as a signal to announce the opening (beginning) of an event (theatrical performance, festival, etc.) |
太陰崇拝 | moon worship |
無事太平 | peace and quiet, safe and peaceful, tranquil and uneventful |
太枠 | thick-bordered box or table (in forms, etc.) |
締め太鼓 | small high-pitched Japanese drum or taiko with its head pulled taut by ropes |
太腹 | belly, flanks |
番太 | watchman (implies low rank or burakumin status) |
太鼓台 | very large float used to carry taiko at festivals |
太政大臣 | Grand Minister, Chancellor of the Realm |