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大 : Large
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large, big
おお- おお.きい -おお.いに
うふ お おう た たかし とも はじめ ひろ ひろし まさ まさる もと わ
Strokes: | 3 |
Radical: | 大 (37) |
Usage Rating: | 7 |
Unicode: | 05927 |
jis208: | 34-71 |
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大 Usage examples
経済大国 | economic power |
叩き大工 | clumsy carpenter |
前立腺肥大症 | enlargement of the prostate |
老大国 | great and ancient nation |
老大家 | venerable authority, elderly master |
猫額大 | tiny |
大向こう 大向う | audience (at a theatre), the masses, the general public |
大商い | heavy turnover (trading) |
大字片山 | name of a town section |
大雨注意報 | storm warning |
大いに喜ぶ | to be highly pleased |
大鎌 | scythe |
大食らい | glutton |
大声を出す | to shout |
大店 | large store |
大鍋 | cauldron |
大隼 | gerfalcon |
大宮人 | courtier |
大御代 | glorious reign of the Emperor |
大揺れ | turbulence, severe quake |
各大学 | all universities, each university |
窮措大 | poor student (scholar) |
巨大な額 | colossal amount |
空軍大尉 | air force captain |
径の大きい | of large diameter |
工大 | technical college |
先の総理大臣 | former prime minister |
真宗大谷派 | Otani sect of Shinshu |
盛大に趣く | to grow in prosperity |
前大統領 | former president |
大兄 | you (in ref. to male of greater age or status) |
大閤 | taiko, title for a regent, later for the grand chancellor, also for the father of an Imperial adviser (advisor) who passed the role to his son |
大獄 | roundup, wholesale arrest |
大使館付き武官 | military officer attached to embassy |
大使級会談 | ambassador-level conference |
大衆に阿る | to sell out to the masses |
大正琴 | Nagoya harp, Taisho koto, Japanese harp with two to five strings |
大正の代 | Taisho era |
大喪 | Imperial mourning |
大砲三門 | three cannons |
大枚の金 | large sum of money |
大歓迎 | warm welcome |
大学へ進む | to go to university |
大学出の人 | university graduate |
大学に受かる | to be accepted by a university |
大学寮 | former central university of Kyoto (established under the ritsuryo system for the training of government administrators) |
大学を出る | to graduate from a university |
大極殿 | Council Hall in the Imperial Palace |
大西郷 | the Great Saigo |
大事に至る | to develop into a serious incident |
大儒 | great scholar, person of great erudition |
大祖父 | great-grandfather |
大納言 | large-grained variety of adzuki bean, chief councilor of state |
大ブリテン島 | Great Britain |
大ブリテン | Great Britain |
駐日大使 | ambassador to Japan |
超大型 | extra-large |