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鯛 : Sea bream
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Strokes: | 19 |
Radical: | 魚 (195) |
Usage Rating: | 2446 |
Unicode: | 09bdb |
jis208: | 34-68 |
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鯛 Usage examples
海老で鯛を釣る | to throw in a shrimp and pull out a whale, to use a sprat to catch a mackerel |
赤鯛 | fish given to a tournament winner as congratulations |
赤魚鯛 阿候鯛 あこう鯛 | red rockfish, red scorpionfish |
腐っても鯛 | something that is not what it once was but it is still high class, quality is quality, an old eagle is better than a young crow |
瘤鯛 | (adult male) Asian sheepshead wrasse (Semicossyphus reticulatus) |
寒鯛 | scarbreast tuskfin (Choerodon azurio) |