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淡 : Thin
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thin, faint, pale, fleeting
Strokes: | 11 |
Radical: | 氵 (85) |
Usage Rating: | 1436 |
Unicode: | 06de1 |
jis208: | 35-24 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
淡 Usage examples
淡水魚 | freshwater fish |
淡色 | light color, light colour |
淡彩画 | wash drawing |
淡褐色 | light brown |
淡緑色 | light green |
淡湖 | freshwater lake |
淡い悲しみ | fleeting sorrow |
淡水化プラント | desalination plant |
虚無恬淡 | rising above the trivia of life and remaining calm and selfless |
得意淡然 | maintaining a serene state of mind when one has achieved a great success |
冷淡無情 | cold-hearted, callous, pitiless, unsympathetic |
淡路結び | var. of knot often used to tie mizu-hiki |
閑寂枯淡 | aesthetic sense in Japanese art emphasising quiet simplicity and subdued refinement |
恬淡虚無 | rising above the trivia of life and remaining calm and selfless |