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汚 : Dirty
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dirty, pollute, disgrace, rape, defile
けが.す けが.れる けが.らわしい よご.す よご.れる きたな.い
Strokes: | 6 |
Radical: | 氵 (85) |
Usage Rating: | 908 |
Unicode: | 06c5a |
jis208: | 17-88 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
汚 Usage examples
熱汚染 | thermal pollution |
構造汚職 | structural corruption |
食べ汚す | to eat messily |
金に汚い | mean (greedy) about money, stingy |
汚れた手 | dirty hands, grimy hands |
見るのも汚らわしい | detestable to look at |
汚染物質 | pollutant, contaminant |
汚染者負担原則 | Polluter Pays Principle, PPP |
ダイオキシン汚染 | dioxin contamination |
汚職政治家 | corrupt politician |
汚染レベル | contamination level |
化学汚染 | chemical pollution |
化学汚染災害 | chemical contamination disaster |
光化学汚染 | photochemical pollution |
公共物汚損 | vandalism |
残留性有機汚染物質 | persistent organic pollutant, POP |
水質汚染 | water pollution |
政治汚職 | political corruption |
大気汚染防止法 | Air Pollution Control Law |
有機汚染物質 | organic pollutant |
寝汚い | untidy, slovenly |
薄汚れる | to get slightly dirty (all over) |
貪官汚吏 | corrupt government official |
汚名返上 | redeem oneself |
汚い爆弾 | dirty bomb |
汚穢屋 | person who gathers night soil |
汚職疑惑 | suspicion of corruption |