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池 : Pond
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pond, cistern, pool, reservoir
Strokes: | 6 |
Radical: | 氵 (85) |
Usage Rating: | 827 |
Unicode: | 06c60 |
jis208: | 35-51 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
池 Usage examples
池沼 | mentally-handicapped person |
池亭 | arbor (arbour, bower) by a lake |
養殖池 | fish pond |
瑶池 | beautiful pond, place where immortals live |
アモルファス太陽電池 | amorphous solar cell |
アルカリ乾電池 | alkaline battery |
アルカリ電池 | alkali battery |
カドミウム標準電池 | cadmium standard cell |
ニッケルカドミウム電池 | nickel-cadmium battery |
ペーパー電池 | paper cell |
ボルタの電池 | voltaic cell |
マンガン乾電池 | manganese dry cell |
リチウム電池 | lithium battery |
一次電池 | primary cell, primary battery |
鉛蓄電池 | lead-acid battery, lead storage battery |
可逆電池 | reversible cell |
燃料電池 | fuel cell |
金城湯池 | an impregnable fortress, an unassailable territory |
ボルタ電池 | voltaic cell |
二次電池 | rechargeable battery |
池泉 | pond in a garden |
池泉回遊式 | style of garden that features a path around a pond |
太陽電池パネル | solar panel |
充電池 | rechargable battery |
宏池会 | Kouchikai (political faction of the LDP) |