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茶 : Tea
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Strokes: | 9 |
Radical: | 艸 (140) |
Usage Rating: | 1116 |
Unicode: | 08336 |
jis208: | 35-67 |
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茶 Usage examples
煎じ茶 | decoction of tea |
夫婦茶碗 | his and her teacups |
茶器組 | tea set |
茶を濁す | to evade (questions), to reply evasively, to beat around the bush, to throw up a smoke screen |
茶臼 | tea grinding mortar (hand mill) |
茶掛け | hanging scroll in a tea-ceremony room |
茶粥 | tea gruel, tea flavoured rice gruel |
ジャスミン茶 | jasmine tea |
茶色い | light brown, tawny |
飲茶 | yum cha, eating snacks (esp. dim sum) with tea |
茶房 | teahouse, coffee shop |
家常茶飯 | everyday occurrence, commonplace of life, nothing out of the ordinary |
茎茶 莖茶 | twig tea, stem tea, kukicha, tea made from twigs pruned from the tea plant during its dormant season |
プーアル茶 普アル茶 普洱茶 | Pu-erh tea |
甜茶 | Chinese blackberry (Rubus suavissimus), sweet tea, blackberry leaf tea |
文福茶釜 | bunbuku chagama (a mythical raccoon dog transformed into a teapot) |
お茶を濁す | to make do with, to prevaricate |
茶葉 | tea leaf, tea leaves |
尋常茶飯 | everyday occurrence, commonplace of life, nothing out of the ordinary |
茶巾寿司 茶巾ずし 茶巾寿し 茶巾鮨 | gomokuzushi wrapped in a thin layer of fried egg |
茶懐石 | simple meal eaten before tea is served |
濃茶 | koicha, exceptionally dark, opaque matcha |
中国茶 | Chinese tea |
まんが喫茶 漫画喫茶 マンガ喫茶 | manga cafe, coffee shop with a manga library (usu. has Internet facilities and charges by the hour) |
杜仲茶 | Tochuu tea (high in minerals and reputed to be beneficial for weight loss and in cases of high blood pressure) |