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町 : Town
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town, village, block, street
Strokes: | 7 |
Radical: | 田 (102) |
Usage Rating: | 292 |
Unicode: | 0753a |
jis208: | 36-14 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
町 Usage examples
温泉町 | hot-spring resort, spa town |
町段畝歩 | units of square measure (for rice fields, forests, etc.) |
町の方針 | town policies |
東海道筋の町 | towns on the Tokaido |
町を通る | to pass through town |
隣町 | neighboring (adjacent) town, neighbouring town |
町中 | the whole town |
市長町長選挙 | mayoral election |
下町情緒 | the friendly atmosphere of the traditional commercial and working-class neighborhoods |
下町人情 | the milk of human kindness of the people of the traditional commercial and working-class neighborhoods |
町人気質 | mercantile spirit |
町人根性 | mercantile spirit |
町人風情 | (the likes of) a mere tradesman |
八百八町 | the whole enormous extent of Edo, from one side of Edo to the other |
町興し 町おこし 町起こし | revitalization of a town, town renewal (project) |
町村派 | Machimura Faction (of the LDP) |
番町政策研究所 | Bancho Seisaku Kenkyujo (faction of the LDP) |
谷町 | sponsors of rikishi or their stables |