田夫 | peasant |
田打ち | tilling a paddyfield |
田舎芝居 | provincial theatrical performance |
田舎回り | (theatrical) provincial tour |
田舎家 | farm house, country cottage |
田舎訛り | provincial accent |
田の神 | deity of rice fields and harvests |
田野 | cultivated fields, countryside |
田紳 | country gentleman |
田植え歌 田植歌 田植え唄 田植唄 | rice-planting song |
田雲雀 | water pipit (Anthus spinoletta) |
田園風景 | rural landscape |
田園都市 | rural or garden city |
田園詩 | pastoral poem |
田園詩人 | pastoral poet |
田楽刺し | skewering |
田螺 | pond snail (Viviparidae spp.) |
岩田帯 | belt used for back support after fifth month of pregnancy |
田舎侍 | country samurai |
墾田 | new rice field |
田を打つ | to till a rice paddy, to plough a rice paddy (plow) |
田家 | rural cottage |
田作 | rice-field tilling |
班田 | ancient farmland allotment |
陰金田虫 | ringworm (of the groin), jock itch, tinea cruris |
ガス田 | gas field |
火田 | slash-and-burn agriculture |
海底炭田 | submarine coal field |
棚田 | terraced rice-fields |
油田掘削施設 | oil rig |
田舎っ兵衛 田舎兵衛 田舎っぺ | hick, country bumpkin, yokel |
半田フィレット | solder fillet |
千枚田 | type of rice terrace, upland |
山葵田 | wetland wasabi terrace |
田園都市開発 | garden-town development, rural city development, urban sprawl |
青田売買 | dealing in unharvested rice crop |
田舎気質 | rusticity, provincialism |
田舎大尽 | provincial (country) millionaire |
瓜田李下 | Be careful not to invite the least suspicion, Leave no room for scandal |
滄海桑田 | The word is a scene of constant changes (as the blue sea changing into a mulberry field). (Chinese legend) |
桑田滄海 | The world is a scene of constant changes (as a mulberry field changing into a blue sea). |
桑田碧海 | The world is a scene of constant changes (as a mulberry field changing into a blue sea). |
成田離婚 | Narita divorce, divorce case of a newlywed couple breaking up upon their return to Narita Airport from their honeymoon abroad |
李下瓜田 | Be careful not to invite the least suspicion, Leave no room for scandal |
田虫葉 | willow-leafed magnolia (Magnolia salicifolia), anise magnolia |